Cool drinks in the summer heat.

Beat the heat with summer drinks

Well it was too hot this morning for coffee. Let me tell you something about myself, and how coffee is my motivation. (Lol) Luckily my kids gave me a nutri-bullet mixer for Mothers day! Needless to say I started pondering the different combinations to get me to a cool coffee goodness. So I added a cup of espresso, filled it with 3/4 of ice cubes, 4 splenda, 1c heavy cream, tsp vanilla extract and squirt of low carb chocolate syrup. Couple pushes of the button and BAM!! Man, I tell you it was the most enjoyable and tasty concoction for this hot weather!

I am gonna try a few that I saw on Pintrest this week also. I saved them to my boards so you can check them out there if you would like. They are low-carb and look soo yummy! I will be exploring for great summer mixes and recipes the next few days and will post what I find.

If any one has their own summertime favorites that are either diet friendly or can use substitutions I would love to here about them!

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