Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

How to make Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

Once I realized how easy it was to make some of the kitchen essentials that I use quite often. I started investigating the ways to make them myself. Plus I was tired of finding a nice recipe to try and not having the ingredients handy in my pantry. So I will be posting random DIY homemade recipes to help others with the same problem. Who may not know that these things are easy to make and are more nutrient dense than store bought any ways.

What you will need to make Apple cider vinegar:

Coarsely chop the apples leaving the skin on and only doing away with the seeds. That’s not to say throwing away the whole core. Only the seeds because you want to add as much of the apple to your mixture that you can to retain vital nutrients and make a healthier product.(Note: You can use the older apples that are getting soft in your kitchen but any will do). Also I like to make the first cut horizontally. This doesn’t affect the recipe’s outcome but for those of you who are more “spirit conscious” this is always a great time to give respect to the powers that be. That being said at this point I like to take a thin slice from the middle of each apple to serve a different purpose when I am done. (Reference below)

Next pour the sugar over your apples in the jar. Pour the bottled water over the apples filling to under the rim leaving some space from the top and stir thoroughly. In order to make vinegar you need to allow air to enter the jar to make the process happen. This is where the coffee filter comes in. Place the coffee filter over the jar and band it at the neck. Not tightly but firm enough to keep it from coming undone. The filter will allow air in and keep unwanted particles out. Keep in a dark place for the duration.

Now the waiting game

This process takes about 30 days and the jar has to be kept either covered with a towel in the cabinet or in a dark place where it won’t see any light. This is crucial for the end result. Only open occasionally to stir the mix and put back in the dark again. Every few days or when you think of it is fine.

The thing you want to look out for is in the first few days or so you will see a kind of bubbling or foaming at the top of the mixture. This is normal and if you don’t see this at that time you might want to add a bit more sugar and stir.

End result

After about 30 days you can take the jar from your dark place and check by either tasting it or if you want to be precise you can use PH Acid test strips to determine if it is ready. It should read at the very lowest end of the strip. Next you can use a cheese cloth over a strainer and lg bowl to drain the vinegar from the apples for storage.


An easy way to store your Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar is to put it in a crock with a spout. This way you can keep it safe from light and use the spigot to extract it when you need some. This keeps the “Mother” from harm and makes life easier. Remember you have just made raw vinegar so it will be cloudy throughout and that is normal.

I hope you found this an easy recipe, a great alternative and less expensive than store bought. This can be used where ever you use apple cider vinegar but with added benefits.

I like to bake the thin slices that I took from each apple adding some cinnamon and honey drizzle for added flavor. If you are “spirit conscious”, as I like to put it. You know that cinnamon is used to attract prosperity, wealth and abundance. While honey is not only great for sweetening your food and drinks. It can also attract or “sweeten” your person of interest to you. Both are wonderful benefits!

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