I love to bake cookies while listening to Holiday/ Christmas music. Nothing is quite like it and I wait all year to enjoy it. Sure I could make them any time but it just isn’t the same feel as November – December.

I prefer cookies that are not sicky sweet so I add most of the sweetness in the toppings. I also will substitute sweeteners for the sugar in the dough recipe to combat all the over indulgences of the season!

What you will need:

In a large bowl blend the butter, sugar, egg and extracts thoroughly. Add your flour 1 cup at a time to ensure easier processing especially if mixing by hand. I have a hard time mixing with a spoon these days so I use a dough mixer as needed. Roll your dough into 4 separate balls and cover with a damp paper towel and refrigerate for about an hour to make the dough more workable.

(Pre heat oven to 450 degrees)

Grandchildren excited to help out

On a floured surface take a 1/4 of your dough and roll out to your preferred thickness. I like my cookies on the thicker side but totally up to you. Use cookie cutters or a medium sized glass or cup to make your cut outs. Place on cookie sheets and bake until they just start to brown at the edges for a softer cookie. This will not take long so be mindful.

Once they are out of the oven give them a few seconds to cool before moving them to cooling racks or parchment paper. This will stiffen them up so that they handle easier without breaking. Let them thoroughly cool and use an icing or frosting to decorate.

A very simple and easy recipe for the beginner baker and so delicious too!

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