I am always coming across great recipes that are easy and delicious. Even though I am currently (TRYING TO) LOL crack down on unnecessary eating like, chocolate cake, that had gotten out of hand last year. I still would like to share my finds with you all. Some for the dieters and some for those who really don’t give a crap about sugar or carb content!

Well I came across this no bake cake recipe that you make from your microwave! I was skeptical, since using a microwave to cook has always been a big no no to me for obvious reasons, but I will give most things a try at least once. I know there are many people out there that do not have any skills in the cooking or baking department that will benefit greatly from this recipe also.

So here is the recipe I hope you find it tasty and at this time my oven is not working properly so this recipe came at the right time!

Image by Matheus Math from Pixabay

No bake chocolate cake recipe

What you will need:

  • 11/2 C Flour
  • 3 tsp Baking powder
  • 2/3 C Cocoa powder
  • 3/4 C sugar
  • 1/2 C +1 Tbsp Oil or Melted butter
  • 13/4 C Warm milk
  • Silicone baking pan

Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well. Pour chocolate cake batter into silicone baking pan. Microwave on high for 5 minutes. Re -zap for short spurts if you feel it needs longer. All microwaves cook differently so you may need to adjust the timing. Top how you like once cooled. I am partial to a dusting of powdered sugar for looks and flavor. Also you may want to give your pan a coating of cooking spray or a little oil to prevent sticking.

Viola!! LET THEM EAT CAKE! (If your diet allows ) LOL

See you next post!

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