Cheesecake mousse recipe Photo by alleksana on Pexels.com What you will need: 8 oz Cream cheese1 Tub whipped cream1 Tbs vanilla extract1 tsp lemon extract1/2 C powdered sweetener of your choice Place all ingredients in a small bowl and whip together using a mixer on low setting. About 1 minute. Leave in bowl or separate... Continue Reading →


One ingredient cream cheese What you will need: 1 Lg container plain full fat whole milk yogurt1 med size bowl1 med size colanderCheese cloth So very simple and oh so tasty. ( I bought my yogurt from an ALDI near me for under $2)Place colander on top of bowl then spread cheese cloth into colander.... Continue Reading →


Autumn is my favorite time of year. Cool morning air with just enough moisture at the tips of each blade of grass to glisten in the sunlight. With the autumn months approaching and my first pumpkin patch growing strong I am getting more excited each day for the recipes that follow leading up to Halloween.... Continue Reading →


Homemade 2 ingredient cottage cheese What a simple and cheap recipe this is. It can be made from what is already in your kitchen in most cases and gives you a more nutrient dense cottage cheese. For those of you who love cottage cheese this is a great way to have it for less cost... Continue Reading →

Apple Butter recipe

Simple Dark Apple butter Oh how I miss my grandmothers Homemade apple butter and the way her apartment would smell while she was cooking it. The sweet cinnamon goodness would make me smile as I approached her door and I would be greeted by a tea saucer with toasted bread, butter and her apple butter... Continue Reading →

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup

Homemade chicken noodle soup I'm all about incorporating herbal energies into my cooking like my chicken noodle soup for instance. You probably never thought much about it but everything that is used in any recipe has an energy vibration. When you put it into your recipes with a specific intention you can reap the benefits... Continue Reading →

Herbal Tea Mixes

Alternative herbal tea uses Herbal teas can be helpful when mixed for specific outcomes. You can reduce inflammation and stress, aid in healing or memory loss and mental clarity. There are lots of combinations you can try for your specific woes. I am spiritually aware so I like to blend these cozy warm concoctions for... Continue Reading →

DIY Homemade Yogurt

Homemade yogurt recipe Photo by Life Of Pix on Pexels.com Making a long lasting supply of homemade yogurt is another way to keep your diet healthy without the cost involved with expensive brands or with our current situation, having go out to the grocery store more often than you need to. It's very easy to... Continue Reading →

Budget Homemade Sauce Part Two

Homemade creamy cheese sauce on a budget I started these blog posts with the intention of it being an ongoing little series. To help those that are struggling but still want a better more homemade style of cooking for their family. My hope is to show people that you don't have to be wealthy to... Continue Reading →

Budget Homemade Sauce Part one

Homemade tomato pasta sauce on a budget I will start this off by saying that my whole life has been worked around a budget. In the past I often would by those cheap off brand pasta sauces with little to no flavor and don't get me started about the runny consistency. My kids would eat... Continue Reading →

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